On Wed, November 9, 2011 9:10 am, Kevin Falcone wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 09, 2011 at 09:01:01AM -0800, Yan Seiner wrote:
>> On Wed, November 9, 2011 8:49 am, Kevin Falcone wrote:
>> > If you're having trouble managing RT internal users while logged in as
>> > an LDAP user, please see Ruslan's response about possible bugs.  Try
>> > logging in as root and seeing if that helps.
>> Is the bug report public?  If so, where?
> If there is an existing bug report it would be in the rt.cpan.org
> queue for RT-Authen-ExternalAuth.  If there is no report, please make
> one.

I've been poking around in the databases...

In the virgin RT4 database (the one we created from scratch) the password
field is varchar(256).

In the converted RT3->RT4 database the password field is varbinary(40).

In the original RT3 database, the password field is varbinary(40).

I don't know enough about mysql but that doesn't seem right.  Can some
mysql gurus clue me in?

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