
I'm trying to configure ExternalAuth on my RT4.0.2

External database use Portable PHP password hashing framework. (phpbb3)

There is perl module for this  Authen::Passphrase::PHPass (Perl module
reimplements the support for portable hashes introduced in phpass, but
in Perl).

My question is haw I should configure RT_siteConfig.pm:

 'p_enc_pkg'                 => '?'
 'p_enc_sub'                 => '?'

When I use:

'p_enc_pkg'                 =>  'Authen::Passphrase::PHPass',
'p_enc_sub'                 =>  '',

I get:

My_MySQL AUTH FAILED The encryption package you gave me (
Authen::Passphrase::PHPass ) does not support the encryption method
you specified (  )

Any idea why ?

Adrian Stelmaszyk
RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
*  Barcelona, Spain  November 28 & 29, 2011

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