Hi, i'm Dani from CESCA, a company from Barcelona that it wants to implement the RT on the system.

I'm doing a pilot test with RT on a virtual machine. Exactly I first doing a 'Standalone Server Mode' configuration. So I put this parameters when I installed the RT:

./configure --with-my-user-group --with-db-type=mysql --enable-layout=inplace --with-devel-mode

After that, I installed RT and BD perfectly, without errors.

So, I run RT in MVL and I can't send email to anybody.
My question is: from a'Standalone Server Mode' its possibly send mail?
If possible, how do you send with sendmail? I have to put some parameters in SiteConfig ?

Thanks, and sorry for my english, I'm a university student!

       / /       Daniel García Mejía
 C E / S / C A   Portals i Repositoris
     /_/         Centre de Serveis Científics i Acadèmics de Catalunya

 Gran Capità, 2-4 (Edifici Nexus) - 08034 Barcelona
 T. (NULL) - F.  93 205 6979 - dgar...@cesca.cat

RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
* Boston  TBA

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