
This is going to shred about 30,000 tickets, and a huge number of Users. Does 
the shredding have to be done on a quiet system? I've shred a few tickets while 
we were live without issue... I'm just worried that I kick off a process to 
shred a large volume and it chokes my server out.

Any experience/input is appreciated.

You can limit the number of tickets it shreds with the "; limit, <<x>>" in the 
plugins line. Ie:
--plugin "Tickets=query,Status='deleted';limit,0"

Limit of 0 means everything. But you could set that to 100 or 1000 and see how 
it affects your system and then make the call on how many to shred at a time.


RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
* Boston — March 5 & 6, 2012

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