
I opened a bug for the issue I described below, but no one else has
confirmed that their install is behaving the same way. If someone out there
with a test install of rt 4.0.x (preferably 4.0.4) could try the steps
outlined below I would really appreciate it. It seems to occur in both of
my environments but I wanted to rule out my own issues ;).

Ok - From a clean rt 4.0.4

1. Log in as Root account
2. Create Queue1
3. Create CustomField1 as Type "Select one value" with Render Type
4. Add values to CustomField1
"CF1Value1", "CF1Value2","CF1Value3", "CF1Value4"
5. Create CustomField2 as Type "Select one value" with Render Type
6. Add values to CustomField2
"CF2Value1", "CF2Value2","CF2Value3", "CF2Value4"
7. Create CustomField3 as Type "Enter one value with Autocompletion" with
Render Type "Dropdown"
8. Add values to CustomField3
"CF3Value1", "CF3Value2","CF3Value3", "CF3Value4"
9. Assign all of these fields to Queue1
10. Create a Group called Group1
11. Grant Group1 all permissions to Queue1 on General Rights and Rights for
Staff tab
12. Create a user named User1
13. Add User1 to Group1
14. Create a new ticket in Queue1 as the ROOT account and go to Field
CustomField3, Type 'C' and you should get
only "CF3Value1", "CF3Value2","CF3Value3", "CF3Value4"
15. Log out, Log back in as User1 and Create a new record in Queue1. In
CustomField3 Type 'C' and you will see values
                  "CF1Value1", "CF1Value2","CF1Value3", "CF1Value4"
                  "CF2Value1", "CF2Value2","CF2Value3", "CF2Value4"
                  "CF3Value1", "CF3Value2","CF3Value3", "CF3Value4"

Which are values from *all *of the custom fields, not just the
autocomplete values
specified in CustomField3. I am not sure how that could happen no matter
how wacky I made permissions are unless it is a bug.

16. Log out from User1
17. Log Back into the system as ROOT and grant User1 "Do Anything and
Everything" under Tools - Configuration - Global - User Rights - Rights for
administrators. Log out.
18. Log Back into the system as User1 and create a new ticket in Queue1. Go
to CustomField3 and type 'C'. You will now have the correct values for the
autocomplete field.

On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 2:21 PM, Jim Lesinski <jim.lesin...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello,
> Can someone check to see if an Autocomplete custom field shows values from
> other custom fields in their RT 4.0.4 installation for non admin users? (By
> non admin I mean the user does not have "Anything and Everything"
> permission in the system.)
> When I am logged in as a non admin account and type in an autocomplete
> field I seem to get all values from all custom fields that meet the text
> criteria. If I grant this same user account "Anything and Everything"
> permission, the correct values are then populated in the autocomplete
> field. I have tested this on 2 different systems and I get the same results
> from both. Basically it seems like the dataset returned for the super user
> account is different than a non super user account.
> Can anyone else recreate this or verify that they have the same or
> different results?
> Thanks,
> Jim
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* Boston — March 5 & 6, 2012

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