
Surfing the Internet I found this code:

The code is as follows:


Description: open tickets which depends on resolved
Condition: On Status Change
Custom Condition:
Action: User defined
Custom action preparation code: return 1;
Custom action cleanup code:
return 1 if ($self->TransactionObj->NewValue !~ /^(?:resolved|deleted|rejected)$/);
  my $DepOnBy = $self->TicketObj->DependedOnBy;
  while( my $l = $DepOnBy->Next ) {
    next unless( $l->BaseURI->IsLocal );
    next unless( $l->BaseObj->Status =~ /^(?:new|open|stalled)$/ );

    # here you can add any action
    # see also example below
  $DepOnBy = undef;
  return 1;
Template: Global template: Blank


I've tested and works correctly.
But I tried for tickets Approvals dependent and does not work.

I tried putting the type of ticket you had to look at, specifically in the line:

my $DepOnBy = $self->TicketObj->DependedOnBy(Type => 'approval');

But still doesn't work and I can't make it 'Open' a ticket when all Approvals of ticket are 'Resolved'.

Can anybody help me? I'm desperate


Best regards


       / /       Daniel García Mejía
 C E / S / C A   Portals i Repositoris
     /_/         Centre de Serveis Científics i Acadèmics de Catalunya

 Gran Capità, 2-4 (Edifici Nexus) - 08034 Barcelona
 T. (NULL) - F.  93 205 6979 - dgar...@cesca.cat

RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
* Boston  March 5 & 6, 2012

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