
You can turn that off with the NotifyActor setting in the


On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 2:55 AM, Alex Dyas <> wrote:

> Hi, and happy new year.
> We have noticed recently that RT sends updates to the originator of a
> ticket even if that person is not in the CC list of the email.  For
> instance:
> - Client sends email to RT opening a ticket
> - Support employee sends email to second employee, copies RT but does not
> copy client
> - Client receives a copy of the update from RT despite not being copied in
> the follow up email
> This can lead to issues where we want to discuss issues internally by
> email, but not include the client.
> Can this functionality be turned off?
> Thanks,
> Alex
> --
> Alex Dyas, Manager - Systems Administration
> Tel: +41 22 348 30 15
> | | 
> Expert en Services, Formation et Recrutement BI et Applications Web (CMS,
> CRM)
> Partenaires certifies de Pentaho (BI), Jedox (Palo), Acquia (Drupal),
> SugarCRM et Infobright
> --------
> RT Training Sessions 
> (**services/training.html<>
> )
> * Boston  March 5 & 6, 2012
RT Training Sessions (
* Boston — March 5 & 6, 2012

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