Hi all,
I have a few problems that, if solved, I think may enhance the quality 
of RT.

1) RT displays a lot of notification messages through a pale yellow 
message box on top of the ticket page. Everything is displayed the same 
way regardless of nature (info, error, etc.).
I think that it would be good to separate this messages at least into 
two categories: info (usual pale yellow box) and error (pale red box).
Presently, since you cannot easily tell the difference, it happens quite 
often that one operator tries to take a ticket just half a second 
another operator took it, gets an error box, thinks it is the usual 
confirmation box, and starts working on the ticket. Sometimes he even 
does not realize he is doing duplicate work until he tries to resolve!

2) Beginning users of RT often fall into this error: click "resolve" on 
top of the ticket, write some message, then click "resolve" again 
instead of clicking on "update ticket" at the bottom. Why does "resolve" 
still show on top of the ticket when you're resolving? Is it possible to 
remove it? I think it doesn't belongs there.

3) Custom field of type "check multiple values" (check-box) could be 
ticked directly from the display page of a ticket instead of having to 
go into the modify page. It would help streamlining the work on tickets.

Just a few thoughts.

Thank you

p.s. We are using RT 3.8.10 and testing 4.02. Both have the mentioned 

Cristiano Guadagnino
Servizio Data Administration
Bankadati S.I.
Gruppo Credito Valtellinese
Tel. +39-0342-522172
RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
* Boston  March 5 & 6, 2012

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