On Fri, Feb 03, 2012 at 12:42:47PM -0500, Ronald J Yacketta wrote:
> > On Fri, Feb 03, 2012 at 10:36:07AM -0500, Ronald J. Yacketta wrote:
> >>    Hello all!
> >>
> >>    We went live with rt 4.0.04 last night and have been getting reports
> >> of end-users being unable
> >>    to change ticket status in ANY queue from New -> Open.
> >>
> >>    Ticket 39927: Status 'open' isn't a valid status for tickets in this
> >> queue.
> >
> > This error means that open is invalid for the current Queue, not there
> > is no transition from new -> open. Unfortunately, your truncated config
> > doesn't fail locally.  Are you sure you don't have other lifecycles
> > configured and applied?  If you look at the System Configuration page,
> > does it show the Lifecycle config you expect?
> Fixed, someone had a typo in the RT_Config.pm

You really want all local configs in RT_SiteConfig.pm, not
RT_Config.pm.  Next time you upgrade, any changes to RT_Config.pm will
be blown away.

> 'active' => [
>                                'new',
>                                =>' open',<= darn space between ' and open
>                                'stalled'
>                              ],

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* Boston — March 5 & 6, 2012

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