Hi list,

I'm running on RT 3.8.7.
I have some fonctionnal user which appear in the Query Builder, in the list
of possible tickets owners.
I would to drop there users from the list. They don't have the "Own Ticket"
right. They are only used as "admin-cc" in queues, and are not privileged.
But they always are in the list. Did you know which right cause this
problem ?

How do you manage your users / groups / files rights ? And have you any
tool which permit to see right for a specific user / group / file ?
I've tried to install the plugin RTx-RightsMatrix, but it isn't compatible
with this version of RT.

RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
* Boston — March 5 & 6, 2012

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