On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 11:42:14AM -0500, Jeff Blaine wrote:
> If I enable RT-Extension-ExternalAuth, does it take complete
> control of RT authentication, and therefore I must also
> specify an ExternalSetting service that maps to our existing
> 'rt4' database to make use of that?

No, it falls back to RT's internal auth.
There is no need to configure it to talk to RT's database.
The module can talk to an arbitrary external database for auth, which
is why it contains an example of My_MySQL.

> I assume My_Pg is a valid type because "Pg" is a valid DBI:DBD
> driver for Perl?  I don't see it mentioned anywhere in the README
> or example RT_SiteConfig.pm

The name is irrelevant, you could name it MyPrettyPony and it would
read the config to know what kind of database to talk to. Pulled
from the example config file:

    # The name of the Perl DBI driver to use (e.g. mysql)
    'dbi_driver'                =>  'DBI_DRIVER',

> Man, if there ever was a need for the wiki to be updated,
> it's the ExternalAuth page.  It covers installation of the
> module, which is simple already.

I'd rather see good contributed patches to the module's documentation
and less misinformation in the wiki (a lot of time is spent correcting
errors added to the ExternalAuth wiki pages).


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* Boston — March 5 & 6, 2012

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