On 02/20/2012 08:04 AM, David Thorpe wrote:
> My question is, I want to add a custom field into each Queue which isn't
> a problem, this is done and is called my "Email From" field. I want this
> field to appear as the From Field in emails to people when they submit a
> ticket. But I want the current from ADDRESS to stay automatic as it
> does. Am I missing something, is this simple to do?

It may make more sense for you to use the Description field as the part
you want going out on autoreplies and add a queue CF for your internal
descriptions of what queues are used for.  That'll be less overriding of
template headers for you.

If you want to see your internal descriptions in RT's admin queue list,
you can include the CF in the relevant format string with the
$AdminSearchResultFormat config option.

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* Boston  March 5 & 6, 2012

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