I have been troubleshooting an interesting problem since we upgraded to RT 4.0.5. If we have a new unassigned ticket and simply open the page Ticket/ModifyPeople.html, one of our Scrips fires off email without any other action (and the owner is not actually changed). The scrip has a custom condition to check if this is an assignment transaction (see below). The action is 'Notify Owner' and template is 'Ticket Assigned'. Point is, since this is not an actual transaction, but just bringing up a form, it doesn't seem like it should trigger this Scrip. I looked at the source and I see that there is a DryRun call in the INIT section, but it seems like it should not be causing any email to be sent. Am I dealing with a bug, or do I have a bum Scrip?


my $Transaction = $self->TransactionObj;
my $Ticket = $self->TicketObj;

# similar to OnOwnerChange, but only trigger if actor is not the new owner and
# new owner is not 'nobody'
return 0 unless $Transaction->Field eq 'Owner';
return 0 if $Transaction->OldValue == $Transaction->NewValue;
return 0 if $Transaction->Creator == $Transaction->NewValue;
return 0 if $Transaction->NewValue == $RT::Nobody->Id;

my $field = $Transaction->Field;
my $old = $Transaction->OldValue;
my $new = $Transaction->NewValue;
my $creator = $Transaction->Creator;
my $type = $Transaction->Type;
$RT::Logger->debug("On Assign Notify Owner Condition - type: '$type' field: '$field' old: '$old' new: '$new' creator: '$creator'");

return 1;

Mark D. Nagel, CCIE #3177<mna...@willingminds.com>
Principal Consultant, Willing Minds LLC (http://www.willingminds.com)
cell: 949-279-5817, desk: 714-495-4001, fax: 714-646-8277

** For faster support response time, please
** email supp...@willingminds.com or call 714-495-4000

RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
* Boston  March 5 & 6, 2012

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