Hi all

We are working with 3.8.8. we have the following problem:

When any HTML correspond/comment with attachments (i.e doc file) sent to RT
from outlook (i.e. outlook 2010), the system sends plain/text part rather
than html part. 

I found that outlook 2010 and 2007 include multipart/alternative into the
message so both plain text and html version would be parsed by RT.

I found this post:


and tried to compare Transaction_Overlay.pm and EmailParser.pm from 3.8.11
and included newly developed code into 3.8.8 but still no success.



Any comment/idea?

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
* Boston — March 5 & 6, 2012

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