Thanks Ken, I have it working now. I also found
which was very helpful - it actually has a specific example for what
I'm trying to do. I have a couple of questions too... but first the

Condition: UserDefined
Action: NotifyRequestors
Template: MyTemplate
Stage: TransactionCreate

Custom Condition:
my $Ticket = $self->TicketObj;

# We want the Request Feedback CF
my $TicketType = $Ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('RequestFeedback');

# We want resolved status
return 0 unless $Ticket->Status eq "resolved";

# and... we want the CF to be Y
return 0 unless $TicketType eq 'Y';
return 1;

I tried a lot of different variations on the theme, along the lines of:
return 0 if $cf->$self->TicketObj->FirstCustomFieldValue("RequestFeedback")
eq "N";
return 0 unless
$cf->$self->TicketObj->FirstCustomFieldValue("RequestFeedback") eq "Y"
return 0 unless
$cf->$self->TicketObj->FirstCustomFieldValue('RequestFeedback') eq "Y"

but these didn't return anything. I assume there's a problem with my
syntax or how I'm referring to objects but couldn't work it out...
luckily the page linked above has an example that has exactly what I'm

In this case the scrip triggers if the ticket is reopened, then
resolved again - for us this is OK but for others they might want to
only trigger this condition the first time a ticket is resolved. I
think you would need to use another CF to record the result of the
transaction in this case (i.e. if successful then set
CF-SentFeedbackRequest="y" or similar) and add an appropriate
condition to check above... but for us it's not required.

RT Training Sessions (
* Boston  March 5 & 6, 2012

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