On 20 Mar 2012, at 08:26, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:

> Have you tried to delete them in ui?

Is that possible?  These don't show up in the query builder is loadable saved 
searches - they're the RT::System standard ones, not user or group saved 

> Use rt-attributes viewer that is shipped with rt and installed into sbin 
> directory.

I've been using that to investigate them, yes.

> Decide which one you need and just delete an attribute.

From what I can see, both are in use by the various dashboards and things that 
users have set.  I think I may have to write a script to go through all the 
Attributes blob, and for these duplicated things set them to one particular 
one, and only once I've done that can I safely delete the redundant saved 

> As far as I recall dashboards handle this properly.

If they referred to their saved searches by name, they probably would, but 
judging by the output of rt-attributes-viewer, they're referring to them by id.

This could be a fun script to write... :-)


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