On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 10:58:03AM -0400, Paul Tomblin wrote:
>    Is there any documentation somewhere on how to package up the extensions - 
> not how to write
>    them, but how to do the other stuff like the Makefile.PL and META.yml so 
> that it installs. I
>    tried just copying the Makefile.PL and MANIFEST and META.yml from another 
> project, but my html
>    files didn't copy over. (I'm just starting the project, so all I have to 
> install is some html
>    mock-ups.)

Several of us use Dist-Zilla-MintingProfile-RTx which will generate
a Makefile.PL and some other boring parts of RT extensions. You also
need Module-Install-RTx on your development box so that the pieces
of the extension that know where to put files for RT are included in
the tarball.


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