On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 14:09, Alex Rhys-Hurn <a...@itworx.co.ke> wrote:
> Dear Benjamin,
> Thanks for all the hard work.
> I have in fact played with Jasper and RT before.
> I gave up as the reports I was trying to generate were to do with time
> worked.
> RT seems to have two different places where time is recorded and calculated,
> and so querying the DB gets complicated.
> Does your integration of Jasper with RT make this clearer / easier?

We have a branch that improves situation with TimeTaken in
transactions table. It can be used with RT 4.0. It will be in RT 4.2.

> or do you have any example SQL queries for reporting on Time worked in RT?
> Thanks so much,
> Alex
> ________________________________
> From: "Benjamin Boksa" <mailingli...@boksa.de>
> To: "Albert Shih" <albert.s...@obspm.fr>
> Cc: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
> Sent: Thursday, 26 April, 2012 10:59:37 PM
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] Announcing RT-REST and RT-Jasper [was: RT
> and        JasperReports Server Integration (got it working,        anyone
> interested?)]
> Hi Albert,
> you can generate any kind of reports supported by JasperReports Server.
> RT-Jasper provides the DataSource necessary to query RT for tickets (the
> ticket's data can be used in the reports).
> Regarding your questions:
> 1) See the private mail I sent you.
> 2) No.
> If you have further questions just let me know.
> Greetings from Cologne
> Benjamin
> Am 26.04.2012 um 21:28 schrieb Albert Shih:
>> Le 22/04/2012 ? 19:11:23+0200, Benjamin Boksa a écrit
>> Hi.
>>> it's done :-) I have setup two GitHub repositories to host everything you
>>> need to run you own RT an JasperReports Server integration:
>>> RT-REST: http://projects.boksa.de/RT-REST/
>>> RT-REST is a Java class library to interact with RT: Request Tracker's
>>> REST Interface.
>>> RT-Jasper: http://projects.boksa.de/RT-Jasper/
>>> RT-Jasper is a toolkit to integrate RT: Request Tracker as a queryable
>>> data source in JasperServer.
>>> Feel free to give the components a try and let me know what you think :-)
>>> I have chosen to drop full installation instructions in favor of a demo
>>> system (see the RT-Jasper page for more information) and I assume you
>>> already have a RT installation to play with. To learn how to install
>>> JasperReports Server please refer to
>>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/jasperserver/files/JasperServer/JasperServer%204.5.0/JasperReports-Server-CP-Install-Guide.pdf/download
>>> .
>>> To help you with your questions I'll try to be around in #rt on
>>> irc.perl.org .
>>> I am really curious to see what you will say about my work and I hope
>>> there will be enough users using it to ensure a constant flow of great ideas
>>> and improvements.
>>> Enjoy the rest of your weekends :-)
>> Big thanks for your works.
>> Two questions before I spend lot of time to understand your works :
>>         1/ What kind of reports can we have (I never heard of jasper, only
>>         the city in Canada ...;-) ). I didn't find your demo jasperserver
>>         ...:-(
>>         2/ Is they are anything to modify on the RT server ?
>> thanks again.
>> Regards.
>> --
>> Albert SHIH
>> DIO bâtiment 15
>> Observatoire de Paris
>> 5 Place Jules Janssen
>> 92195 Meudon Cedex
>> Téléphone : 01 45 07 76 26/06 86 69 95 71
>> xmpp: j...@obspm.fr
>> Heure local/Local time:
>> jeu 26 avr 2012 21:25:37 CEST

Best regards, Ruslan.

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