On 03/05/12 18:14, Darin Perusich wrote:

On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 12:04 PM, Daniel Garcia Mejia<dgar...@cesca.cat>  wrote:
I install the last version of RT and Asset Tracker. I don't know if this is
my problem or a bug/error of Asset Tracker with the latest version of RT,
but I can't add new asset or update at my system RT4. Also, I can't see any
option of 'Asset' in menu of RT...

It is normal? If this is normal, when Asset Tracker will launch a version
that support RT4 ?
I've been running AT 2.0.0b2 and RT 4.0.5 without issue, I upgraded
from RT 3.8.8 and AT 1.2.4 I believe. Are you seeing any errors in the
logs, what's your @plugins from RT_SiteConfig.pm, how did you setup
AT, etc?

I install the version AT 2.0.0b2 with commands:

$ RTHOME=/path/to/rt perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ make install
$ make initdb

I put in mi @plugins:

Set(@Plugins, (qw(RT::Extension::JSGantt RTx::AssetTracker RT::Extension::LDAPImport RT::Extension::NotifyOwners
RT::Extension::SummaryByUser RTx::Calendar)));

NO errors in my log...
I cant see any 'Assets' on Menu and any button of 'Create new asset'...
Only I can put is in "RT at glance" the quicksearch 'Asset types'...

Any solution? Where is the button or menu 'Assets'? Is very hidden?

       / /       Daniel García Mejía
 C E / S / C A   Portals i Repositoris
     /_/         Centre de Serveis Científics i Acadèmics de Catalunya

    Gran Capità, 2-4 (Edifici Nexus) · 08034 Barcelona
    T. NULL · F. 93 205 6979 · dgar...@cesca.cat
    Facebook (http://on.fb.me/vPv3oN) · Twitter @CE5CA · Linkedin
    Subscriu-te al butlletí (www.cesca.cat/butlleti)


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