On 2012-05-17 13:47, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:
On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 8:50 PM, Matt Brennan <brenna...@gmail.com> wrote:
This is how I do this. In my RT_SiteConfig.pm I have:

    . RT->Config->Get('WebDomain')

All traffic on my RT instance is done via HTTPS. I also have an Apache rewrite rule in case someone navigates to HTTP instead (as users often do).

You don't need this. WebDomain, WebPort and WebPath is enough in most cases. As documentation in versions says you set WebBaseURL or other options only in very specific cases, for example when you want to server RT over HTTPS
from port 10000.

Topic starter needs CanonicalizeRedirectURLs option. He uses reverse
proxy. By
default for redirects RT guesses a few bits from ENV variables (set by
web server).
This allows you to run the same RT instance with multiple entry
points. However,
if you have something in front of RT then this guessing doesn't work.

And just to confirm, for the reverse SSL offloading proxy case the:

Set($CanonicalizeRedirectURLs, 1);

Option in RT_SiteConfig.pm works just right, my pages stay on https throughout the session.

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