On 05/23/2012 4:26 PM, 20/20 Lab wrote:
Most carriers support email to sms for free. Something along the lines of 8005551...@tmomail.com all you'd have to do is format your notification email to be stripped of html and (ideally) limited to the 160 char sms limit.

Here's a wiki list of them http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_SMS_gateways


On 05/23/2012 2:56 PM, David Hollinger wrote:

We would like to create a scrip for RT the sends out texts to both my supervisor and I when a ticket arrives afterhours. The text would have ticket #, ticket subject, requestor and a link to the ticket. Any ideas where to start with this?

I haven't been able to find anything online regarding this particular setup

*David Hollinger III*

*IT Infrastructure Coordinator*

*Handwriting Without Tears*

*(301)263-2700 ext 285*


Of course, if your target doesnt have unlimited txt, it will charge them. :/

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