I'm glad if it works for you. Would like to see functionality in extension.
Your solution needs refactoring to be merged. If you like I can guide you
and help put it into shape for merge.

Ruslan from phone.
08.06.2012 2:24 пользователь "Scotto Alberto" <al.sco...@reply.it> написал:

>  Working with the SLA Extension, I came across the problem of stalled
> tickets: by default, there is no way to stop the "timer" for the due date
> when a ticket becomes stalled, as stated by the author in
> http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/rt/users/105845#105845
> So I've just implemented a small customization (very imperfect indeed) and
> I want to share it with all of you. Feel free to contribute, and please
> share your improvements.
> First of all, a few assumptions (aka limitations):
> - in $RT::ServiceBusinessHours we defined only 'Default'
> ServiceBusinessHours
> - users will not modify the date fields we set, otherwise everything would
> screw up
> The idea is to move the due date forward as soon as the ticket exits the
> stalled status. To compute the new due date we need to know when the
> tickets became stalled. So, we first have to save somewhere the time when
> it became stalled: we temporarly save it in the Resolved attribute (very
> dirty, I know..!), which shouldn't be used while stalled.
> This solution includes two actions, two conditions, and two scrips which
> put everything together.
> Conditions, which you can easily build thanks to sbin/rt-setup-database
> and the ExecModule StatusChange:
> - on stalled
> - on un-stall
> Actions (the code is below):
> - Set resolved temporarly
> - Update due date on un-stall
> Scrips:
> - On stalled Set resolved temporarly
> - On un-stall Update due date
> I think the most important improvement would be to avoid the use of the
> Resolved attribute as temporary. Instead, it would be better to define a
> new private attribute in Ticket.pm; consequently, a new column in the DB,
> etc.
> Of course, I will appreciate any suggestions, comments, etc.
> Thanks
> AS
> ======== Action1. Set resolved temporarly =====
> my $tkt = $self->TicketObj;
> my $id = $tkt->Id;
> my $stalled_date = RT::Date->new( $RT::SystemUser );
> $stalled_date->SetToNow;
> my ($status, $msg) = $tkt->_Set(
>        Field => 'Resolved',
>        Value => $stalled_date->ISO,
>        RecordTransaction => 0
> );
> unless ( $status ) {
>     $RT::Logger->error("Unable to set Resolved date to ticket #$id: $msg");
>     return 0;
> }
> $RT::Logger->debug("Set Resolved date of ticket #". $id . " to ".
> $stalled_date->ISO);
> return 1;
> ===================================
> ======== Action2. Update due date on un-stall =====
> my $t = $self->TicketObj;
> my $id = $t->Id;
> use Business::Hours;
> my $now = RT::Date->new( $RT::SystemUser );
> $now->SetToNow;
> my $bhours = Business::Hours->new();
> $bhours->business_hours( %{ $RT::ServiceBusinessHours{ 'Default' } } );
> my $delta = $bhours->between($t->ResolvedObj->Unix, $now->Unix);
> my $new_due = $bhours->add_seconds($t->DueObj->Unix, $delta);
> my $due_date = RT::Date->new( $RT::SystemUser );
> $due_date->Set(Format => 'unix', Value => $new_due );
> # finally set new due date
> my ($status, $msg) = $t->_Set(
>        Field => 'Due',
>        Value => $due_date->ISO,
>        RecordTransaction => 0
> );
> # if the two transitions (*->stalled and stalled->*) take place out of
> hours,
> # in the same interval, then $delta will be 0
> if( !($t->DueObj->Diff($due_date)) ) {
>     $RT::Logger->debug("Unable to set Due date to ticket #$id:
> new_due_date = old_due_date " . $due_date->ISO);
> }
> elsif ( !($status) )  {
>     $RT::Logger->error("Unable to set Due date to ticket #$id: $msg");
>     return 0;
> }
> # reset Resolved date
> ($status, $msg) = $t->_Set(
>        Field => 'Resolved',
>        Value => 0,
>        RecordTransaction => 0
> );
> unless ( $status ) {
>     $RT::Logger->error("Unable to reset Resolved date to ticket #$id:
> $msg");
> }
> $RT::Logger->debug("Due date updated after un-stalling ticket #". $id );
> return 1;
> ==============================
>  Alberto Scotto
> [image: Blue]
> Via Cardinal Massaia, 83
> 10147 - Torino - ITALY
> phone: +39 011 29100
> al.sco...@reply.it
> www.reply.it
> ------------------------------
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> it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material.
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