On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 09:18:45AM +0200, Kamil Gmyrek wrote:
> On 09.06.2012 10:52, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:
> >Failed how? What have you tried? You are in right direction. You can use
> >custom condition instead of modifying action.
> >
> Found a solution. I don't remember what I did before but now it
> works how I wanted to work.
> How can I use a custom condition to achieve this?
>     my $next = $ticket->FirstActiveStatus;
>     return 1 unless defined $next;
>     return 1 if $self->TicketObj->Status eq 'in progress';
>     # no change if the ticket is in initial status and the message
> is a mail
>     # from a requestor

You write a User Defined condition on your scrip that checks, is this
Transaction a correspondence and is the ticket currently in 'in
progress'.  That way you don't have to edit RT's source.


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