Excerpts from Jaime Kikpole's message of Thu Jun 14 07:50:35 -0400 2012:
> I've been using RT with various custom fields for years, but now its
> time to re-model those custom fields a bit.  I thought that at least
> one of them, namely "Work By" (which includes a list of which
> technicians worked on the ticket), should get moved to the transaction
> level (vs. applying to the ticket) so that it would be easier to make
> data entries.
> Currently, I have to search for all resolved tickets and then read
> them and then apply the correct names.  This is cumbersome.  So my
> hope is that al the techs could just tag their own name (and the names
> of anyone who helped them) whenever they made a comment or reply on
> the ticket.

The most straightforward way to approach this is to write a little Scrip
which adds anyone who touches a ticket to either your ticket-level
"Work By" CustomField or to the ticket AdminCcs.

That way the tracking happens automatically at the ticket level (where
it's easy to search for) rather than your techs having to tag themselves
on each transaction.

- Kevin

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