On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 3:45 PM, Jaime Kikpole <jkikp...@cairodurham.org> wrote:
> Since upgrading to RT 4.0.5, I've found that email being logged in my
> RT instance and then displayed in the web GUI will have the wrong
> time.  More specifically, its off by the number of hours that my local
> timezone is off from UTC.  So if an email comes in at 10:21:58 -0400,
> it will show the email as coming in at 2:22:58 PM.  See attachment for
> a visual example.
> Did I miss a setting in RT_SiteConfig.pm?

You didn't say from which version you have upgraded and if your web
server is different or exactly the same. If it's mod_perl then I
suspect wrong SetHandler in httpd.conf.

> Thanks,
> Jaime
> --
> Network Administrator
> Cairo-Durham Central School District
> http://cns.cairodurham.org

Best regards, Ruslan.

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