As Kevin said, an error would help, tho the only differences I see in yours from ours is "SetHandler perl-script" and I also remember having to add a "LoadModule perl_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/" line just before the Virtual host line. (If anyone can tell me where it /should/ go, it would be appreciated. It landed there when I was fighting with 9.04?)


On 06/20/2012 12:01 PM, Borngunners wrote:
Has anyone have luck setting up and configuring RT on Ubuntu 12.04. I have done everything thus far, but I am having issue with my apache2 configuration. This is what I have in my configuration:

<VirtualHost *:80>

        AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
        perlsetEnv RT_SITE_CONFIG /etc/rt4/

        DocumentRoot "/opt/rt4/share/html"
        <Location />
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all

            SetHandler modperl
            PerlResponseHandler Plack::Handler::Apache2
            PerlSetVar psgi_app /opt/rt4/sbin/rt-server
            use Plack::Handler::Apache2;

#tail -n2 /etc/apache2/sites-available/default
#Include "/opt/rt4/apache2-modperl2.conf"

When I comment out "use Plack::Handler::Apache2;", apache2 does not give me any error, but I am not able to bring up rt via the web.

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