I've installed RT4.0.6 on CentOS 6.2 (default install).  I've never had a
problem with previous versions of RT running on Apache, but in this case,
Nginx/PHP-FPM is the setup.  I already have two applications running fine
under that setup.

I installed RT4, resolved all the dependencies successfully and used the
RT::Extension::Nginx module to setup the Nginx configs for RT.  But, when I
attempt to browse to the front page, I get nothing but a blank page.  No
html error codes generated (or any other errors for that matter).

I've reverified all the dependencies, verified that there are no errors in
php-fpm or nginx (debug enabled) and RT itself doesn't seem to output
anything at all into the debug log I enabled in RT_SiteConfig, so I'm at a
bit of a loss right now.

Any suggestions for further troubleshooting or pointers?


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