Hi all,

I'm configuring RT to a customer. It runs all enabled features except the creation of defects using an e-mail. I have installed CommandByMail and it was installed successfully.

I'm going to describe the problem:
- Machine_A
        -> Unix
        -> RT installation (4.0.5)
        -> msmstp    
- Machine_B
        -> Windows
        -> Exchange server

When I send an email from Machine_A (or Machine_B) to RT to create the ticket in a specific queue, the mail log indicates the next message: "status = sent (205 2.0.6): Queued mail for delivery", and the ticket is not created logically. But RT sends the e-mail when someone comments in a ticket.

When I send the e-mail from Machine_A, I get the next e-mail address: "aliases@machine_a.com" but I want to send it to "alia...@domain.com". I think the problem is in the mail configuration or on the connection between the machines. But I don't :-(

Could you help me?

Thank you very much!!

Best regards,

Altran España, Industria

ALTRAN: talento generando innovación

Parque Empresarial Las Mercedes, Edificio 1
C/ Campezo, 1
28022 Madrid
Tel. : + 34 917 44 46 00
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