On Thu, Aug 09, 2012 at 01:33:49PM +0800, Lyka Delgado wrote:
>    We just started using RT in saving our company information and I was 
> assigned to put all of
>    our information into Articles. We want the articles to look decent so I 
> used the wikitext
>    box for our customfield in our articles. I found your wikia for rt, but 
> the RTFM part does
>    not give complete info of the different formats. Sure you have the basic 
> ones there like
>    bold, italics and underline but for listing items, it doesnt really work. 
> Ive also used the
>    listing options in Help:Wikitext Examples, even if there was already a 
> warning that "Note
>    that formatting rules in this full Wiki are NOT the same as the wikitext 
> custom field in
>    RTFM." but it was not applicable.

RT's WikiText custom fields user Text::WikiFormat - you can read about
the module with perldoc Text::WikiFormat or by looking it up on


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