On 16.8.2012 13:37, Paul Tomblin wrote:

> Unfortunately somewhere between RT and Mason and perl a lot of the
> errors go unreported - you just have to narrow down where the problem is
> with a lot of calls to $RT::Logger->debug.  But first things first, you
> need to turn up the logging in /opt/rt4/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm
> Set( $LogToScreen, "debug");
> Set( $LogToSyslog, "debug");
> You also need to have a look at line 15 and before in your component.

When I said that I saw nothing in rt.log I meant nothing of importance.
I have the debug logging turned on.

As for the line 15 - I have posted the entire component two mails
before. It only has 12! lines and the reported error is at EOF. That
would indicate that there might be something unfinished like missing
bracket or such. However, by looking at the code, I can't see anything
wrong. First it was almost direct copy of the code you sent at first and
then when it did not work I used component from
share/html/Helpers/Autocomplete/ by Thomas advice as a template. But
nothing seems to work.

I have made even smaller component, in fact smallest that does not 403
on me:

> <%flags>
> inherit => undef;
> </%flags>

Ajax request on this component fails with this error:
Error during compilation of
error at (eval 1164) line 12, at EOF

It is as before, the error should be at line 12, but the component
itself has only 3 lines.

There is something fishy going on...


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