On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 04:39:47AM +0000, Dave Fitches wrote:
>    However when the job is changed from stalled back to open, it doesn't 
> punch the Due Date out
>    according to the time it was stalled. So - a job is due 5 days after it's 
> created. If we stall
>    the job after 4 hours, the priority will freeze at 10. If we change the 
> job back to "open" 2
>    days later, the due date remains unchanged and the job will still be due 
> in another 2.5 days.
>    Next time the LinearEscalate cron job runs, the Priority jumps right up to 
> 50.
>    What we WANT it to do, is - when we un-stall the job 2 days later, we want 
> RT to automatically
>    extend the Due Date by the same amount of time it was stalled - in this 
> case, 2 days.

Unfortunately, you're likely going to need some customizations there,
the doc for IgnoreOnStatuses has the following note about
recalculating Due:

    NOTE: When a ticket goes from an ignored status to a normal status, the
    new Due date is calculated from the last action (reply, SLA change, etc)
    which fits the SLA type (Response, Starts, KeepInLoop, etc). This means
    if a ticket in the above example flips from stalled to open without a
    reply, the ticket will probably be overdue. In most cases this shouldn't
    be a problem since moving out of stalled-like statuses is often the
    result of RT's auto-open on reply scrip, therefore ensuring there's a
    new reply to calculate Due from. The overall effect is that ignored
    statuses don't let the Due date drift arbitrarily, which could wreak
    havoc on your SLA performance.

This is a new feature in 0.06, and patches to extend the behavior would
probably be interesting to my colleagues who worked on the feature.


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