On 8.10.2012 10:53, Tim Cutts wrote:
> Make sure you have plenty of swap allocated; you may not need the memory as 
> physical.  I run the RT web server on a machine with only 2GB of RAM, and 
> it's fine.  I don't run the database on the same machine, though.  You have 
> to remember that when Apache/perl forks to exec the sendmail binary, 
> temporarily you double the virtual memory requirement of the Apache/perl 
> setup.  You either have to have virtual memory overcommit turned on (which I 
> think is the default on most Linux systems these days) or to have enough swap 
> allocated to cope.  
> vm.overcommit_memory = 0
> in /etc/sysctl.conf is probably what you want.  You probably actively don't 
> want it to be set to 2.
> Tim

Hi Tim,

thank you for the tips, I was not aware about doubling the virtual
memory requirements. I will look into it.


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