Seems displaying the Time Worked field and Time Estimated field on the
search results always displays it in minutes in 4.0.5. Does anyone else
see this behaviour or is it something wrong with our local RT install?


Time Left works correctly, showing hours/weeks etc.


Also, is it possible to just display in hours, rather than weeks? As a
week to us is 5 days, 9am-5pm the weeks aren't really relevant. 


[] On Behalf Of Alex
Sent: 16 October 2012 16:49
Subject: [rt-users] time worked etc display in hours by default?


Is it possible to set all times to display in hours, rather than
minutes? We have some tickets with thousands of minutes each, and it
would be much more useful to see search results as hours. Any idea if
it's possible in RT 4.0.5?


A search hasn't turned up anything useful.



Final RT training for 2012 in Atlanta, GA - October 23 & 24

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