On 10/23/2012 04:41 AM, Bart wrote:
I've managed to turn off the reply feature using the following wiki article:

  * http://requesttracker.wikia.com/wiki/OnWebCorrespond

All I had to do was change the condition of the scrip "On Correspond
Notify Requestors and Ccs" to "User defined" and enter this custom

    my $trans = $self->TransactionObj;
    return 0 unless $trans->Type eq "Correspond";
    my $msgattr = $trans->Message->First;
    return 1 unless $msgattr;
    return 0 if $msgattr->GetHeader('Received');
    return 1;

I'm glad to hear you got it working.  :)

As a heads up for you and other users who may be using the "check for a Received: header" heuristic, a future 4.0.x release will have an X-RT-Interface header containing one of the values: Email, Web, Mobile, or REST. (This is on the not-yet-merged 4.0/interface-in-headers branch.) The X-RT-Interface header will do away with any potential ambiguity around how the ticket was created.


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