On 10.1.2013 15:11, Martin Drasar wrote:
> Hello,
> in my setup I have patched lib/RT/Action/Notify.pm in such way that it
> adds some attachments to a mail. In some cases we send mails that have
> no-reply address in From: and Reply-To: and I would like to send these
> mails without those attachments. However, I have not found a way to
> query either From: or Reply-To:.
> Could you please tell me how to check these headers inside Notify.pm?
> And if it is not possible, could you please give me a hint on how to do
> it some other way?


I am just bumping this mail as I was not yet able to come with a
solution. I know that I can't be the only one with such requirements
around here.


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