On 01/15/2013 08:41 AM, Asif Iqbal wrote:
>     I install RTx::EmailCompletion plugin and added the following stanza
>     into my RTHOME/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm
>     ....
>     Set( @Plugins, qw(
>     RT::Authen::ExternalAuth
>     RTx::EmailCompletion
>     ) );
>     Set($EmailCompletionUnprivileged,"everybody");
>     Set($EmailCompletionSearch, "STARTSWITH");
>     Set($EmailCompletionLdapAttrSearch, [qw/mail cn/]);
>     Set($EmailCompletionRdbmsDisabled, 1);
>     ...
>     How do I expect it to work? I tried to fill the  One-time Cc: with
>     ``foo'' and expected it to autocomplete to ``f...@example.com
>     <mailto:f...@example.com>''
> Still like some help with this one.

What's your RT version?  I don't believe RTx::EmailCompletion is
compatible with RT 4.0 since most of the functionality (although not the
LDAP parts) was merged to core.

If you're indeed on 4.0, perhaps you want to look into
RT::Extension::LDAPImport instead so that your LDAP info is sync'd
locally into RT and the standard autocompletion will work.  This means
your RT user info from ExternalAuth will also always be up to date.

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