On Sun, Mar 03, 2013 at 08:31:31AM -1000, Camron W. Fox wrote:
>       We've recently migrated from RT3.6.6 on one host to RT4.0.10 on
> another. I transitioned RTx::Calendar, but when we run RT, we get the
> following error:
> [Sun Mar 03 08:19:44 2013] [error] [client] Error while
> loading /opt/rt4/sb
> in/rt-server: Attempt to reload RTx/Calendar.pm aborted.\nCompilation
> failed in require at
>  /opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT.pm line 686, <DATA> line 522.\n

You never replied to my mail on this topic last week.



>       If we take RTx::Calendar out of the Set(@Plugins) line in
> RT_SiteConfig.pm. RT will run, but then we get this error in the My
> Reminders section:

> Couldn't find Ticket for reminder 2633. Please contact administrator.

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