On Mon, Mar 04, 2013 at 03:13:06PM +0000, Guadagnino Cristiano wrote:
>    While RT4 is apparently working well, I am a little concerned about errors 
> I get in Apache's
>    error_log whenever I access RTFM articles.

For reference, in RT 4 and greater, they're just Articles.

>    This is an example of the messages I get:
>      [Mon Mar 4 14:55:38 2013] [warning]: Use of uninitialized value in join 
> or string at
>      /opt/rt4/share/html/Elements/ShowCustomFieldBinary line 48.
>      (/opt/rt4/share/html/Elements/ShowCustomFieldBinary:48)
>      [Mon Mar 4 14:55:38 2013] [warning]: Use of uninitialized value in join 
> or string at
>      /opt/rt4/share/html/Elements/ShowCustomFieldBinary line 48.
>      (/opt/rt4/share/html/Elements/ShowCustomFieldBinary:48)
>      [Mon Mar 4 14:55:38 2013] [warning]: Use of uninitialized value in 
> concatenation (.) or
>      string at /opt/rt4/share/html/Elements/ShowCustomFieldImage line 48.
>      (/opt/rt4/share/html/Elements/ShowCustomFieldImage:48)
>      [Mon Mar 4 14:55:38 2013] [warning]: Use of uninitialized value in join 
> or string at
>      /opt/rt4/share/html/Elements/ShowCustomFieldImage line 49.
>      (/opt/rt4/share/html/Elements/ShowCustomFieldImage:49)
>      [Mon Mar 4 14:55:38 2013] [warning]: Use of uninitialized value in join 
> or string at
>      /opt/rt4/share/html/Elements/ShowCustomFieldImage line 50.
>      (/opt/rt4/share/html/Elements/ShowCustomFieldImage:50)
>      [Mon Mar 4 14:55:38 2013] [error]: WebRT: Corrupted customfieldvalue URL.
>      (/opt/rt4/share/html/Elements/Error:82)
>    There is apparently nothing wrong in the article itself, but that 
> "Corrupted customfieldvalue"
>    makes me nervous. Moreover, I tried to create a brand new article in RT4 
> (with text, a file
>    attachment and an image attachment) and when I access *that* article 
> there's no error in the
>    log.

This implies that the links being built don't look like this:
/Download/CustomFieldValue/id/string they look like something else.

Figure out what kinds of links are being generated, check that your
ObjectCustomFieldValues table has been upgraded properly.  Check that
rt-validator passes on your system. etc.


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