On 13/02/25 6:04 AM, Kevin Falcone wrote:
> Are you sure that this perl /opt/perl/bin/perl
>> [cwfox@admin-new perl]$ /opt/perl/bin/perl -le 'print foreach @INC'
>> /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.16.2/x86_64-linux
>> /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.16.2
>> /opt/perl/lib/5.16.2/x86_64-linux
>> /opt/perl/lib/5.16.2
> Is the same as this perl?
>> /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5
>> /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl
>> /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 . /etc/httpd) at
> It looks like RT is running under /usr/bin/perl (the system perl) and
> anything you install into your custom perl will be unavailable.
> Disable the calendar plugin and start up RT and visit the System
> Configuration page to compare the perl -V output at the bottom to the
> results of /usr/bin/perl -V and /opt/perl/bin/perl -V
> Keep in mind, if you're using a packaged mod_perl you're almost
> certainly *not* using your custom built perl.
> -kevin


        /opt/perl/bin/perl and all the permods were installed specifically for
this RT installation.

        I installed perl 5.16.2 in /opt/perl and used it as the perl to install
everything, so how (and when) did the RT instance get hijacked?

        This pretty much sucks.

Best Regards,

Camron W. Fox
Hilo Office
High Performance Computing Group
Fujitsu Management Services of America, Inc.
E-mail:         cw...@us.fujitsu.com
Phone:          (808) 934-4102
Cell:           (808) 937-5026

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