Dear RT community,

I have installed the extension RT-Extension-RepliesToResolved-0.02
in my RT 3.8.13 installation. The scrip and scripaction are in the
database, but when I tested it on an old ticket, it recognized the
ticket as old but still re-opened it and did not create a new
ticket. Here is what was logged:

Mar  6 09:20:05 rt3 RT: A reply to resolved ticket #372109, creating a new 
Mar  6 09:20:05 rt3 RT: <> 
#372109/10844643 - Scrip 389 0006 On Correspond Notify Requestors and Ccs with 
template Correspondence (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Action/
Mar  6 09:20:05 rt3 RT: <> 
No recipients found. Not sending. (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Interface/
Mar  6 09:20:05 rt3 RT: <> 
#372109/10844643 - Scrip 411 0007 On Correspond Notify Other Recipients with 
template Correspondence (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Action/
Mar  6 09:20:05 rt3 RT: <> 
No recipients found. Not sending. (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Interface/
Mar  6 09:20:06 rt3 RT: <> 
#372109/10844643 - Scrip 6159 On Correspond Notify AdminCcs 
Mar  6 09:20:06 rt3 RT: <> 
No recipients found. Not sending. (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Interface/
Mar  6 09:20:06 rt3 RT: Scrip 413 IsApplicable failed: Global symbol 
"$CurrentUser" requires explicit package name at (eval 3920) line 20. 
Mar  6 09:20:06 rt3 RT: <> 
#372109/10844643 - Scrip 382 0362 On (Create | Correspond | AddWatcher | Queue 
Change | Owner Change | Requestor Change | Subject Change | Status Change ) 
Notify Owner (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Action/
Mar  6 09:20:06 rt3 RT: <> 
sent  To: (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Action/
Mar  6 09:20:06 rt3 RT: Scrip 413 IsApplicable failed: Global symbol 
"$CurrentUser" requires explicit package name at (eval 3978) line 20. 
Mar  6 09:20:06 rt3 RT: <> 
#372109/10844644 - Scrip 382 0362 On (Create | Correspond | AddWatcher | Queue 
Change | Owner Change | Requestor Change | Subject Change | Status Change ) 
Notify Owner (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Action/
Mar  6 09:20:06 rt3 RT: <> 
sent  To: (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Action/

Any ideas about what could be going wrong? I have applied the two patches for
to our file.


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