I ended up copying the code for 4.0.6 from my dev box to the prod install,
and things work as you expect.  If I switch it to 4.0.10, the config menus
disappear again.

So there's definitely something about 4.0.10 in my prod environment.  For
now, we go forward on 4.0.6 and as time permits I'll play and see what I
can figure out.

Christopher Manly
Coordinator, Library Systems
Cornell University Library Information Technologies

On 3/5/13 4:49 PM, "Kevin Falcone" <falc...@bestpractical.com> wrote:

>On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 09:24:38PM +0000, Chris Manly wrote:
>>    When we create a new article class, none of the configuration
>>options appear on the right hand
>>    side of /Admin/Articles/Classes/Modify.html.  So, we can't make the
>>new class apply to a
>>    queue. However, for the class that I created on the 4.0.6 system (I
>>then copied over the
>>    database to the "prod" install), the config options appear normally.
>>    All of the users who are attempting to set up the classes have
>>SuperUser privs.
>>    Am I just missing something obvious, or did I trip on a bug in
>>4.0.10?  Or, is there somewhere
>I'm not aware of a bug in 4.0.10 around this and in fact it works fine
>for me on newly created Classes.
>What's in your logs.
>What arguments are being passed to Modify.html in the URL on pages
>where the links don't show up vs those where they do.

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