On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 6:05 PM, Komarinski, Mark F. <
mark_komarin...@hms.harvard.edu> wrote:


> Transactions and metadata in the web interface (see attached image).
>  She's seeing it

I asked cuz for a long time we were not changing dates in mail headers, so
they were displayed as they were in email. Dates in Dates box are totally
rendered by RT.

across multiple browsers on multiple systems, and she doesn't see it in our
> similarly-configured development environment.

Do you copy DB to dev environment.

> We're using mod_fastcgi.

I asked because of known problems with TZ handling under mod_perl that can
fixed by changing httpd config. This problem doesn't affect FGGI.


I know what's happened. Your user changed format of how dates are
displayed. There are a few formats that don't take TZ into account and
always display in GMT.


Best regards, Ruslan.

<<Screen Shot 2013-03-21 at 10.02.49 AM.png>>

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