I am getting the following error for a user tim.gra...@example.com who
is trying to
create a ticket in the help queue.  'Everyone' already has the right
to 'CreateTicket'
for years. It is being triggered by the RT::Authen::ExternalAuth once
in a while.

[Fri Mar 22 21:58:42 2013] [error]: RT could not load a valid user,
and RT's configuration does not allow
for the creation of a new user for your email.
[Fri Mar 22 21:58:42 2013] [error]: Could not record email: Could not
load a valid user
[Fri Mar 22 22:03:31 2013] [info]:
RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::CanonicalizeUserInfo returning Comments:
Autocreated on ticket submission, Disabled: , EmailAddress:
tim.gra...@example.com, Name: tim.gra...@example.com, Password: ,
Privileged: , RealName: Tim Graham
[Fri Mar 22 22:03:31 2013] [crit]: User creation failed in
mailgateway: Could not set user info
[Fri Mar 22 22:03:32 2013] [warning]: Couldn't load user
'tim.gra...@example.com'.giving up
[Fri Mar 22 22:03:32 2013] [crit]: User  'tim.gra...@example.com'
could not be loaded in the mail gateway
[Fri Mar 22 22:03:32 2013] [error]: RT could not load a valid user,
and RT's configuration does not allow
for the creation of a new user for this email (tim.gra...@example.com).

You might need to grant 'Everyone' the right 'CreateTicket' for the
queue help. (/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/Interface/Email.pm:244)
[Fri Mar 22 22:03:32 2013] [error]: RT could not load a valid user,
and RT's configuration does not allow
for the creation of a new user for your email.
[Fri Mar 22 22:03:32 2013] [error]: Could not record email: Could not
load a valid user

Here are some excerpt about the external auth setup

Set( @Plugins, qw( RT::Authen::ExternalAuth ) );
Set($ExternalAuthPriority,  [ 'AD', 'MySQL' ]);
Set($ExternalInfoPriority,  [ 'AD' ]);
Set($ExternalServiceUsesSSLorTLS,    1);
Set($AutoCreateNonExternalUsers,    0);

Set($ExternalSettings,  {
                'AD'       =>  {   ## GENERIC SECTION
                'type'               =>  'ldap',
                'server'             =>  'ldaps://ldap.internal.com:1636',
                'verify'             =>  'require',
                'cafile'             =>  '/opt/rt3/etc/rt.cer',
                'user'                      =>
                'pass'                    =>  'secret',
                # search base
                'base'                      =>  'ou=People,dc=internal,dc=com',
                'filter'                    =>  '(objectclass=mnetperson)',
                'd_filter'                  =>
'(employeetype=Personal Secondary)',
                'tls'                       =>  1,
                'ssl_version'               =>  3,
                'net_ldap_args'             => [    version =>  3   ],
                'group_attr_value'          =>  'uid',
                'attr_match_list'    =>         [       'Name',
                'attr_map'                  =>  {       'Name' => 'uid',
=> 'mail',
                                                        'RealName' => 'cn',

I increased the loglevel to debug and tried to create the subject user
and got this error
on the gui

User could not be created: Could not set user info

and log shows

[Fri Mar 22 23:48:49 2013] [debug]:
RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::CanonicalizeUserInfo called by
668 with: Address1: , Address2: , AuthSystem: , City: , Comments: ,
ContactInfoSystem: , Country: , Disabled: , EmailAddress:
tim.gra...@example.com, EmailEncoding: , ExternalAuthId: ,
ExternalContactInfoId: , FreeformContactInfo: , Gecos: , HomePhone: ,
Lang: , MobilePhone: , Name: tim.gra...@example.com, NickName: ,
Organization: , PagerPhone: , Privileged: , RealName: Tim Graham,
Signature: , State: , WebEncoding: , WorkPhone: , Zip:
[Fri Mar 22 23:48:49 2013] [debug]: Attempting to get user info using
this external service: AD
[Fri Mar 22 23:48:49 2013] [debug]: Attempting to use this
canonicalization key: Name
[Fri Mar 22 23:48:50 2013] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base:
ou=People,dc=internal,dc=com == Filter:
(&(objectclass=mnetperson)(uid=tim.gra...@example.com)) == Attrs:
[Fri Mar 22 23:48:50 2013] [debug]: Attempting to use this
canonicalization key: EmailAddress
[Fri Mar 22 23:48:50 2013] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base:
ou=People,dc=internal,dc=com == Filter:
(&(objectclass=mnetperson)(mail=tim.gra...@example.com)) == Attrs:
[Fri Mar 22 23:48:50 2013] [info]:
RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::CanonicalizeUserInfo returning Address1: ,
Address2: , AuthSystem: , City: , Comments: , ContactInfoSystem: ,
Country: , Disabled: , EmailAddress: tim.gra...@example.com,
EmailEncoding: , ExternalAuthId: , ExternalContactInfoId: ,
FreeformContactInfo: , Gecos: , HomePhone: , Lang: , MobilePhone: ,
Name: tim.gra...@example.com, NickName: , Organization: , PagerPhone:
, Privileged: , RealName: Tim Graham, Signature: , State: ,
WebEncoding: , WorkPhone: , Zip:

I could not find that user in the database. Any suggestion?

Asif Iqbal
PGP Key: 0xE62693C5 KeyServer: pgp.mit.edu
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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