
You could modify your "notify XX on Resolve" scrip to stop if the new
status value is resolve and the old one was new, unless you also open the
ticket and then assign it. You have to consider what state the ticket is
"ALWAYS" in when you assign/resolve it. Then use that condition in your


On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 8:05 AM, Rob Lister <> wrote:

> Hello,
> Is there a way to modify the Templates/Scrip so that when a ticket is
> Assigned and Resolved at the same time, the "This ticket has been assigned
> to you" e-mail is not sent to the assigned user?
> In our case we have users that reply via e-mail and don't use the web
> interface very often, every so often I go through and assign/resolve any
> outstanding tickets, and the notifications can lead to confusion.
> (I did try to a script that allows assign/close via e-mail, but I couldn't
> get it to work...)
> On RT 3.8.8
> Thanks,
> Rob

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