Hi All,

I've setup the following scrip to squelch Queue AdminCc's where the requestor matches a pattern. The scrip seems to be functioning correctly yet correspondence is still being sent to Queue AdminCc's.

Is anyone able to shed some light on where I'm going wrong here.


my $requestor = $self->TicketObj->RequestorAddresses;
my $pattern = 'somepattern';

if ( $requestor =~ m/$pattern/ ) {
$RT::Logger->info( 'Requestor Address: '.$requestor.' matches regex: '.$pattern.' squelching output to AdminCc\'s' ); my @admincc = split( ', ', $self->TicketObj->QueueObj->AdminCcAddresses );

    foreach ( @admincc ) {
        $self->TicketObj->SquelchMailTo( $_ );
        $RT::Logger->info( 'Squelched email to: '.$_ );

return 1;

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