On 05/16/2013 05:14 PM, Philip Brown wrote:
> After doing a few searches, it seems that using the "rt-shredder" tool
> is the one true way to delete a user.
> Unfortunately... i find the documentation on it, inscruitable :(
> Could someone please give me a simple, straightforward commandline to
> delete user X?
> I was hoping it would be as simple as
> rt-shredder --plugin User name=doomeduser
> but that does not seem to be adequate.

The format is incorrect.  --plugin takes a single argument, but you've
space separated it and hence it's two.  See
http://bestpractical.com/rt/docs/latest/rt-shredder.html for the proper
format; you're close.

Alternatively, use the admin web interface instead of the command line.
 Select "Users" from the object type and then enter "doomeduser" in the
Name field.  If the user isn't disabled, either disable them first or
enter "enabled" in the status field (which defaults to "disabled" if
empty, for safety).

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