On 5/21/13 1:44 AM, Thomas Lau wrote:
Hi Jim,

How could you put a debug statement on the script?

In the run subroutine in rt-repeat-ticket:

    while ( my $attr = $attrs->Next ) {
        my $date = $args{date}->clone;
# Gets all
        warn "Got a ticket with a recurrence: " . $attr->Object->id;
        next unless $attr->Content->{'repeat-enabled'};
# Just enabled
        warn "Ticket with recurrence enabled: " . $attr->Object->id;
        next if $args{ticket} && $args{ticket} != $attr->Object->id;

But it's even easier to do as Ruslan suggested and create a new ticket search, click Advanced, paste:

HasAttribute = 'RepeatTicketSettings'

click Apply, then Show Results.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20: http://bestpractical.com/training

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