On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 02:33:07PM -0400, Chris Hall wrote:
>    I've got a bit of a weird problem, and wondered if anybody has a solution 
> for it.
>    We have several queues, and a few are grouped up by name. For example:
>    Queue A tier 1
>    Queue A tier 2
>    Queue A tier 3
>    Queue B tier 1
>    Queue B tier 2
>    Queue B tier 3
>    The managers at the helpdesk are having a problem w/ ppl making a ticket 
> in Queue A tier 1,
>    and then when they escalate it, accidentally transferring it to Queue B 
> tier 2 (instead of
>    Queue A tier 2). They asked me if there was any way to group these queues 
> up in such a way
>    that, for example, if a ticket is made in any of the Queue A's they are 
> locked in and can only
>    be transferred between the Queue A's.

As Jean-Christophe notes, the common solution is "Don't let them have
access to B" but you may not be able to do that.  Unfortunately, a
Scrip runs too late to stop the email from going out with the other
queue's email address.

The best solution may be modifying SelectQueue (using a callback if
available) to limit the set of Queues presented to non-admin users.


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