On 26 June 2013 15:04, Shane Vedvik <sh...@markentsolutions.com> wrote:
> 403 Forbidden
> fetchmail: reading message supp...@exch1.mk.local:1 of 1 (776 octets)
(log message incomplete)
> fetchmail: MDA returned nonzero status 75
> fetchmail:  not flushed
> fetchmail: Server certificate verification error: unable to get local
issuer certificate
> fetchmail: Broken certification chain at: /CN=exch1
> fetchmail: This could mean that the server did not provide the
intermediate CA's certificate(s), which is nothing fetchmail could do
anything about.  For details, please see the README.SSL-SERVER document
that ships with fetchmail.
> fetchmail: This could mean that the root CA's signing certificate is not
in the trusted CA certificate location, or that c_rehash needs to be run on
the certificate directory. For details, please see the documentation of
--sslcertpath and --sslcertfile in the manual page.
> fetchmail: Server certificate verification error: unable to verify the
first certificate
> fetchmail: Warning: the connection is insecure, continuing anyways.
(Better use --sslcertck!)
> fetchmail: 1 message for support at exch1.mk.local (776 octets).

You are receiving the email.  The problem is not fetching the email.  The
--sslcertck issue is a red herring here I believe.

> … snip ...
> Poll [exchange server name redacted] proto pop3 user "support" pass
"[password redacted]" to root mda "/opt/rt4/bin/rt-mailgate --url
http://localhost/rt/ --queue support --action correspond"

As far as I can tell the problem is that rt-mailgate can't connect to
http://localhost/rt.  Try it using curl from the shell and see how it goes:

curl -I http://localhost/rt/

I think you'll see the 403 error (Forbidden) in the output of that above.
 In that case it's the web server's configuration denying access to and you might want to try http://realhostname/rt or
http://192.168.0.X/rt (or the IP address that is configured for that
virtualhost in apache)

Landon Stewart <landonstew...@gmail.com>

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