Hi Kevin,

Thanks for your reply. I've test my custom lifecycle in RT web ui, it works

For your concern, i paste my lifecycle code at below, please help to check
it, thanks a lot!

File location: /etc/request-tracker4/RT_SiteConfig.pm


        # modify the default lifecycle
        crmcase => {
            # All the appropriate ticket statuses
            initial         => [ 'NeedAction' ],
            active          => [ 'InProgress','WaitingforCustomer',
'WaitingforVendor', 'WaitingforLaunch', 'Monitoring' ],
            inactive        => [ 'Closed','Rejected' ],

            # Default ticket statuses for certain actions
            defaults => {
                on_create => 'NeedAction',

            # Status change restrictions
            transitions => {
                'NeedAction'  => [qw(InProgress Rejected)],
                'InProgress'   => [qw(WaitingforCustomer WaitingforVendor
WaitingforLaunch NeedAction Monitoring Rejected Closed)],
                'WaitingforCustomer'   => [qw(InProgress Rejected)],
                'WaitingforVendor'   => [qw(InProgress Rejected)],
                'WaitingforLaunch'   => [qw(InProgress Rejected)],
                'Monitoring'   => [qw(InProgress Closed)],
'Closed'  => [qw(NeedAction)],
'Rejected' => [qw(NeedAction)],

            # Rights for different actions
            rights => {

                # These rights are in the default lifecycle
                '* -> Monitoring'   => 'Monitoring Case',
                'Closed,Rejected -> *'        => 'Reopen Case',
'* -> Rejected' => 'Reject Case',


            # Actions for the web UI
            actions => [
                'NeedAction -> InProgess' => {
                    label  => 'Accept Case',
                    update => 'Comment',
                'InProgress -> WaitingforCustomer' => {
                    label  => 'Waiting for Customer',
                    update => 'Comment',
                'InProgress -> WaitingforVendor' => {
                    label  => 'Waiting for Vendor',
                    update => 'Comment',
                'InProgress -> WaitingforLaunch' => {
                    label  => 'Waiting for Launch',
    update => 'Comment',
                'InProgress -> Monitoring' => {
                    label  => 'Start Monitoring',
                    update => 'Comment',
                'WaitingforCustomer -> InProgress' => {
                    label  => 'Receive from Customer',
                    update => 'Comment',
                'WaitingforVendor -> InProgress' => {
                    label  => 'Receive from Vendor',
                    update => 'Comment',
                'WaitingforLaunch -> InProgress' => {
                    label  => 'Ready for Launch',
                    update => 'Comment',
                'InProgress -> NeedAction' => {
                    label  => 'Reassign Case',
                    update => 'Comment',
'Monitoring -> Closed' => {
    label  => 'Close Case',
    update => 'Comment',
                'Closed -> NeedAction' => {
                    label  => 'Reopen Case',
                    update => 'Comment',
'* -> Rejected' => {
    label  => 'Reject',
    update => 'Comment',
'Rejected -> NeedAction' => {
                    label  => 'NeedAction',
                    update => 'Comment',

        # Status mapping different different lifecycles

Any comments of this?

On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 10:57 PM, Kevin Falcone <falc...@bestpractical.com>wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 06, 2013 at 09:21:12PM +0800, Chrilly Cheng wrote:
> >    Hi All,
> >    I encountered this issue when i was trying to setup RT on a new
> server.
> >    I've created a Lifecycle in RT_SiteConfig.pm file:
> >    Set(%Lifecycles,
> >    cyclename => {
> >    .......
> >    },
> >    );
> >    All queues i created are using this lifecycle, even the default
> queue. But after i configured
> >    and tested ticket lifecycle, i found out Quick search component shows
> none ticket amount of
> >    all those queues.
> >    I tried to creat a new queue with approvals lifecycle, the ticket
> amount of all status do
> >    show. Then i tried to clear the mason data, replaced those
> Quicksearch,
> This implies that your custom lifecycle is not correct.
> However, you didn't show your lifecycle, so that's just a guess.
> -kevin
> >    QueueSummaryByLifecycle QueueSummaryByStatus files in
> >    /usr/share/request-tracker4/html/Elements, it turned out to make no
> sense at all.
> >    I'm so frustrated on this, somebody please help. Any comments or
> ideas would be great
> >    appreciated. Thanks all.

*It's not where you start -- it's where you finish that count.*

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